
Showing posts from November, 2022

80 year old male with fever and burning micturition

 A 80 year old male patient came with the complaints of fever and chills since 8 days  Decreased appetite, generalised weakness and burning micturition since 5 days HOPI: Pt was apparently asymptomatic 8 days back then he c/o fever a/w chills , intermittent without any diurnal variation No H/O vomitings or loose stools,cough,cold,SOB,rashes H/O scrotal swelling( hydrocoele) since childhood  H/O difficulty in passing micturition ?BPH  ?TURP done 1 year back(no records) H/O DM since 5 years on Tab.glimipiride 5mg and Tab.metformin 500mg H/O hypertension since 2 years on tab atenolol 50mg Personal history: Diet: mixed Appetite: decreased Sleep: decreased bowel movements: irregular addictions: tobacco smoking  burning micturition present S: General examination: Pt is C/C/C BP: 130/80 mmHg PR: 74 bpm Temp : 98.6F GRBS : 170mg/dl  Pt has icterus no pallor,  cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy, pedal oedema Physical examination: CVS:S1S2 +NO MURMURS  RS :BAE +, NVBS  P/A- soft, NT CNS-NFD Inv

60 yr old male with HTN urgency

60 year old male Pt came with the complaints of  abdominal distension since 15 days swelling of both lower limbs, upperlimbs  facial puffiness since 4 days   difficulty in breathing since 2-3 days HOPI : Patient was apparently alright 15 days back when he developed abdominal distension which developed gradually a/w b/l pedal edema, pitting type (R>L) , upper limbs edema and facial puffiness . Since 2-3 days he has SOB which is of grade II/ III  No h/o fever, decreased urine output, heamaturia and frothy urine No h/o chest pain/palpitations/giddiness/ neck pain  H/o CVA (right hemiparesis resolved now) 11 years back when he was also diagnosed with hypertension  H/o hypertension since 11 years on telmibind amh po/od H/o diabetes since 5 years on glimi m2 po/bd H/o right lower limb cellulitis 7 years back H/o ?right lower limb filariasis Personal history: Sleep-normal Appetite-normal Bowel and bladder movements-normal Addictions : Alcohol: occassionally Tobacco smoking: smoker 4 yrs ba